2020 CQC Episode 6, Lab Testing

2020 Cannabis Quality Virtual Conference
Top Ten Deficiencies Found During Cannabis Laboratory Assessments
This presentation will go through the top ten deficiencies that A2LA has found during their assessments of cannabis laboratories. We will touch on each area of noncompliance and provide common reasons why laboratories have been found to be non-compliant with certain areas of ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
Tech Talk: The Future of Microbial Testing in Cannabis – PathogenDX
- Dr. Ben Katchman, PathogenDx
Method Validation for Cannabis Testing
Method validation plays an integral role in planning for quality results in any testing laboratory. Validation should include a systematic assessment of factors influencing results, inter-laboratory comparisons, and testing method robustness through variation of controlled parameters. In the absence of industry standard methods for cannabis testing, robust and rigorous method validation is critical to ensure the test methods are fit for the intended use. Method validation must be a planned activity in the laboratory.
Tech Talk: Beyond Analytical Solutions – Phenomenex
- Sean Orlowicz, Phenomenex
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About The Author
Cannabis Industry Journal Staff