How Dispensaries Can Create Superior Online Experiences

Even the most traditionally-minded, tech-averse entrepreneur accepts their success relies on providing customers with a superior online experience in 2023. Trying to succeed without a robust web presence is akin to running the 100-meter with your legs tied together.

On that note, the legal cannabis industry might have a leg up over other sectors in providing superior experiences online. After all, the legal cannabis market is relatively new, meaning no legacy systems require any rehauling. Still, many dispensaries must start their websites from scratch.

A website bolstered by an excellent user experience offers many benefits (e.g., branding and additional revenues), but ground-up projects are daunting. Fortunately, the insights below will make your web design process more manageable.

Design Your Website To Click With Your Customer Base.

The primary commodity of all dispensaries is the same. Yet, each dispensary is different. They all have unique branding, voices, and stories they’re trying to tell.

Moreover, every dispensary wants to provide customers with a brand-specific experience. There’s no one-size-fits-all dispensary website for the above reasons.

A brand-specific experience can have a sense of familiarity that customers may desire

Even so, the following general best practices will be conducive to streamlined, successful dispensary website design. While every website designer or agency has their own process, this process has proven to be extremely effective for the dispensary clients we’ve helped:

Develop an outline and wireframe for the website’s structure and content:

Move onto the front-end design:

Get feedback from relevant parties (e.g., clients, colleagues, management, or other stakeholders):

Use the feedback to create a foundational website framework:

Develop the website inside of your content management system of choice:

By now, you should have a solid base for the website’s final form:

One last guiding principle in web design is to view your website through a user’s eyes. Continually assess how intuitive and convenient it is to navigate your site as a customer.

Optimize The Customer Experience With Seamless Navigation 

Dispensaries benefit by guiding visitors to their website’s most important sections.

It’s an understandable oversight only to prioritize seamless navigation to the menu page. However, customers will be less inclined to order if they can’t access educational content to learn more about your products. Plus, they may want to visit your physical store, so they’ll wish to view your location information.

Furthermore, visitors sometimes need clarification about what they want from your website. Build their pathway with insightfully structured navigation systems with clear prompts, calls to action and an emphasis on the following:

Lastly, be mindful of the mobile experience on your website. Your customers expect seamless navigation on their phones and tablets as much as on their laptops and desktops.

More people will visit and shop your menu on the mobile version of the website than the desktop version, so it needs to take priority in the design process.

Create an Intuitive Online Ordering Process

The ordering component of the customer experience is integral to receiving desirable returns on your online investment.

Intuitive, easy-to-parse menu systems are a must when optimizing online ordering.

Of course, every visit counts and brands are happy to educate consumers. A steady, always-growing stream of eCommerce transactions paints a winning picture of your site’s navigation. More to the point, success with online orders means you’ve optimized the ordering experience.

Intuitive, easy-to-parse menu systems are a must when optimizing online ordering.

Ensure that your customers are one click away from their preferred menu and location (if you have multiple locations), regardless of where they are on your website. It’s even better if those pages can rank on Google based on local searches (e.g., Pennsylvania dispensary menu).

Online shoppers also respond well to search filters on your menus, such as:

Build A Robust Resources/Information Section

Almost every branded website has a resource/information section. In some instances, it’s a blog. For other brands, it’ll be eBooks, guides, case studies, press releases, videos or news articles.

Customers respond well to search filters on your menus

A resource/information section is uniquely vital to cannabis brands. Many prospective customers will be first-timers and require sure-handed wisdom to guide them through the experience. Also, many seasoned enthusiasts want to learn about the latest trends and the best new strains.

Furthermore, providing resources and information is a form of education. This “teacher” approach helps push back against stigmas by focusing on cannabis’s nuances and benefits.

Consider using a “pillar page” system to organize your informational content (e.g., blogs, videos, eBooks). Doing so will make it seamless for website visitors to learn about strains, terpenes, upcoming community events, consumption methods or information about local cannabis laws.

It helps to customize each pillar page with an icon and create an individual page for every post in a given category. This way, newly published content will automatically appear under its associated pillar page.

Other Considerations

We understand the budgetary challenges many dispensaries face when getting off the ground. You can grow your budget by making decisions and taking educated risks that generate returns.

Your customers’ online experiences are a worthy investment. Nonetheless, are you investing wisely by building (or redesigning) your website in-house? After all, your team’s expertise is in cannabis sales (or cultivation). They’re smart enough to learn as they go, but would this trial-and-error web design process be efficient or ideal for your dispensary’s bottom line?

Conversely, working with a Consulting Group like MOST who specializes in dispensary website design can ensure your website generates the desired returns and results. Contact us today to learn more.

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