It can be tempting to save money and time by cutting corners when dealing with hazardous cannabis waste. But keeping accurate documentation and making sure you work with reputable companies to dispose of your hazardous waste is one of the best ways to protect your business from unnecessary risks.
The winner of five cultivation slots auf Deutschland faces questions over issues related to the shelf life of flower shipped into the country from Canada
Like marketing a Cabernet from the Napa Valley, cannabis companies will soon be able to take advantage of regional cannabis branding. Appellations benefit both cannabis cultivators and consumers. It allows small farmers to capture the value that consumers place on unique and local cannabis products.
The multifaceted company executes on strategic moves in Columbia and Uruguay, making a splash in the South American market.
The country which kicked off the entire enchilada on the medical efficacy front is now faced with a dilemma as its own regulations change – export cannabis to a world in need for profit or supply all Israeli patients first?
Finding new capital investment will become more difficult. While we can expect new markets coming online, we can also expect more regulations as well as considerable M&A activity and consolidation.
With a mission to support local farmers in the growing hemp industry, Harvest Connect wants to make Georgia a leader in the hemp and CBD market.
LeafCann is set to begin construction on an AU$50 million cultivation and processing center.
For all of the early enthusiasm, the Danish market gets bogged down in the same issues plaguing the rest of Europe.
The DesignLights Consortium provides a valuable resource to growers: the ability to compare different types of lighting and the standards they meet as well as review the research behind lighting technologies.