Many view the Court’s decision as highlighting the need for better standards and regulatory oversight.
Rule changes include mandating ORELAP to accredit laboratories, stricter sample collection rules and more comprehensive pesticide testing requirements.
Dr. Schwartz hopes to use genetic variations and marker-assisted breeding to provide cannabis as a more precise medical treatment.
Recent reports of a $6 billion energy bill for the legal cannabis industry are misleading and incorrect.
On their 42-acre farm, Jacques and his team are strain-testing and formulating customizable cannabis oils for individual patients.
Growers can utilize waste streams and technologies like VRF HVAC systems and LED lighting to improve their efficiency.
The best way to avoid recalls from occurring is using preventative strategies like HACCP and GMP’s.
We sit down with Christian Hageseth, founder of American Cannabis Partners and the Colorado Cannabis Ranch, to discuss some of his research in Israel and outlook for 2016.
Applying pesticides off label is a federal offense and successful pest management should not require some of the pesticides used regularly in the industry and cited in recent Colorado recalls.
In a unanimous vote, the California Assembly passed a bill that would stop cities and counties rushing to ban cannabis cultivation and retail.