Labs should track samples throughout the testing process with thorough documentation and sample tracking software.
Understanding natural genetic variation and family trees is essential to breeding successful cannabis strains.
Good manufacturing practices can help streamline documentation, record keeping and facility design.
The column will provide simple ways for laboratories to improve the quality of their chromatographic data, including instrument calibration and method development.
Proper SOPs, thorough documentation and sample management are key facets of employee training for compliance.
Attendees discussed the need for quality, noting the industry has a long way to go.
Rule changes include mandating ORELAP to accredit laboratories, stricter sample collection rules and more comprehensive pesticide testing requirements.
The laboratory in Minnesota is able to test for pesticides, residual solvents, heavy metals, potency and microbial contamination.
2014 marked an important milestone in the cannabis industry.
Outside-industry guidance helps move the cannabis marketplace forward responsibly.