The addition will further expand IPC’s event capabilities.
The addition will further expand IPC’s event capabilities.
Cannabis should be treated like any other food product when it comes to food safety
The former operations manager of Los Sueños Farms shares how every mold treatment method stacks up after two years of research.
Important information cultivators should know to control all grow environments and reduce mold and contaminants.
10 fast and easy steps all cultivators should take to quickly diminish mold growth.
Total yeast and mold count (TYMC) tests are used in Colorado, Nevada and Canada to assess cannabis safety – here’s what you need to know.
Germany, Poland, Spain, Slovenia, Portugal and Greece have made considerable efforts to legalize cannabis.
In Part 4 of the Cannabis Labs Virtual Conference, Amanda Rigdon, chief technical officer at Emerald Scientific, discusses proficiency testing in the cannabis industry.
In Part 3 of the Cannabis Labs Virtual Conference, Hannah O’Brien, operations manager for Confident Cannabis, discusses integrating your LIMS system with state tracking systems.
In Part 2 of the Cannabis Labs Virtual Conference, Michelle Bradac, senior accreditation officer at A2LA, discusses cannabis testing quality and the role of ISO/IEC 17025.