Canada’s cannabis policies could change drastically through local jurisdictional reform and Justin Trudeau’s political platform.
We sit down with Christian Hageseth, founder of American Cannabis Partners and the Colorado Cannabis Ranch, to discuss some of his research in Israel and outlook for 2016.
Applying pesticides off label is a federal offense and successful pest management should not require some of the pesticides used regularly in the industry and cited in recent Colorado recalls.
A lack of participation in the medical community and incentives for doctors to prescribe cannabis are hindering medical markets’ growth.
In a unanimous vote, the California Assembly passed a bill that would stop cities and counties rushing to ban cannabis cultivation and retail.
Greenhouse Ventures is a Philadelphia-based startup accelerator program that seeks to bring new ancillary businesses to fruition.
Indoor cannabis production is highly unsustainable, but using tools like efficient HVAC systems and LED lighting, cultivators can reduce their carbon footprint, increasing profit and environmental awareness.
The implementation of enforceable, nationally uniform standards will be the largest foreseeable change to the cannabis industry and most likely those standards will mirror the food industry’s.
Start-ups need to hire legal counsel for a variety of reasons, but there are some important pitfalls to avoid when choosing the right lawyer.
Rosin is a plant extract that does not contain solvents, allowing it to retain its quality and full terpene profile, which makes it a highly sought-after luxury.