Recreational cannabis, on a national market scale, could go the way of regulated alcohol sales while the medical market will get further consolidation.
Recreational cannabis, on a national market scale, could go the way of regulated alcohol sales while the medical market will get further consolidation.
The software company won the contract to run their traceability system on production, transportation and sale for the state of Hawaii’s medical marijuana program
Price fluctuations, pesticide recalls, new states coming online and expanding lists of qualifying conditions are a few major trends we expect will continue in 2016.
Greenhouse-grown cannabis allows for the same controls as indoor growing, just more energy efficient, reducing cultivators’ carbon footprint.
Butane can provide for a fast extraction, but little control while you can tune CO2 extractions to collect the same material.
Product diversity, great marketing strategies, sustainable growth and a strong licensing model positions the company well for expansion.
High-THC strains are consistently bestsellers, but it is still very worthwhile to carry high-CBD strains with up to a 1:1 THC to CBD potency profile.
Food-allergic reactions can be deadly and safe production of cannabis-infused products with a manufacturing plan is essential to prevention.
Manufacturers, growers and retailers alike need to perform pesticide testing to ensure patients and consumers are ingesting safe products.
Sanitizing and personal hygiene are a few of the critical aspects to preventing microorganism growth in food products.