Testing, packaging, labeling and concentration limit requirements have changed, with some interesting restrictions on strain names.
Testing, packaging, labeling and concentration limit requirements have changed, with some interesting restrictions on strain names.
Testing for pesticides in cannabis require analyzing levels of concentration at the parts-per-billion level, but what does that look like?
Sample clean up for pesticide testing can be extremely time consuming without automation.
While worries surround ORELAP’s accreditation abilities, new resources from the Oregon DEQ could help expedite the process.
An inside look at SRI Instruments and PerkinElmer, and the instrumentation they offer.
The Colorado-based lab is now accredited to ISO 17025:2005.
THC and other closely related cannabinoids are good candidates for separation via C18, partially because they are non-polar.
Internal standards can compensate for sample-prep and instrument variation, working with calibration curves to further improve data quality and validity.
The latest round of proficiency testing highlighted that the 46 participating cannabis laboratories performed better than expected.
The collaboration will provide a new program designed specifically for cannabis lab accreditation, ensuring regulatory compliance for labs and giving patients confidence in their test results.