The review noted “substantial evidence” in its medical efficacy, paving the way for FDA-approved cannabidiol medicine in the future.
The review noted “substantial evidence” in its medical efficacy, paving the way for FDA-approved cannabidiol medicine in the future.
They became the first medical cannabis provider in Florida to receive a Safe Quality Food certification.
A variety of sample prep and testing techniques exist for analyzing terpenes, but some are clearly more accurate than others.
The state has started accepting applications, finalized their regulations and local towns are preparing for the day when sales begin June 1st.
The state will now allow dry flower sales and added new qualifying conditions for patients seeking treatment with cannabis.
In the second part of this series, Kathy Knutson, Ph.D. explains the foundation of Good Manufacturing Practices and the next step in HACCP development after identification of hazards.
With a slow start to licensing and new rules coming, some fear a potential shortage is in the distance for California.
Following a report indicating lab shopping and possible foul play, Capitol Analysis attempts to identify inconsistencies in lab results.
The German cultivation bids sputtered to a halt in court as doctors, patients and companies call for no more delays.
CIJ sits down with NCIA Executive Director Aaron Smith to chat federal cannabis policy reform.