The set of temporary rules outline a variety of regulatory compliance and safety issues, including a list of approved pesticides and guidelines for recalls.
Two batches of cannabis with potentially dangerous levels of the insecticide Spinosad were sold to medical and recreational consumers.
Five states have ballot initiatives for legalizing recreational cannabis and Hillary Clinton’s campaign wants to reschedule cannabis.
Safety, diversity, funding and smart planning are key ingredients to securing your license.
Standards give stakeholders the opportunity to shape how they want to see the future of their industry, and the future of government regulation.
Edibles producers and dispensaries must comply with rules that include new sales equivalency and labeling requirements along with the universal THC symbol on cannabis products.
Californians will vote on proposition 64 this November, which could legalize the sale of adult use of cannabis and potentially open the floodgates of the largest regulated cannabis market in the world.
The package of bills, signed into law on Tuesday, would regulate the cannabis industry in a state that already has over 203,000 registered medical cannabis patients.
While worries surround ORELAP’s accreditation abilities, new resources from the Oregon DEQ could help expedite the process.
Stricter labelling and analytical testing requirements are two of the most important rule changes.