Digital Assets & Cryptocurrency in Cannabis

By Itali Heide
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As the cannabis industry experiences a significant shift toward general acceptance and mainstream adoption, new modes of operation are popping up everywhere. The evolution and expansion of the industry beg for constant innovation, and the integration of NFTs and cryptocurrencies as payment options is at the crossroads between tech and cannabis.

Crypto and NFTs have grown in popularity in recent years. Non-fungible tokens are an interesting asset in the art and collectibles world, while cryptocurrency has made a name for itself by providing a unique kind of financial independence. More and more payment processors are embracing these new payment methods, and the cannabis industry is also slowly welcoming them.

In order to fully understand the cannabis-crypto connection, Swaroop Suri, founder of Melee Dose, a cannabis brand that’s been embracing NFTs and crypto as payment options, shared some insights. Their innovative approach to creating unique cannabis experiences with technology and creative branding makes them a pioneer of this movement.

What’s Happening with Cannabis and NFTs?

NFTs and cryptocurrency are exciting developments in an industry that carries the reputation for having a rocky relationship with the banking industry. The legal gray area surrounding the connection between cannabis businesses and the banking industry has given way to an onslaught of challenges, with many banks shunning cannabis because of its federally illegal status. While traditional banking can limit cannabis companies’ access to basic financial services, the decentralization that’s characteristic of blockchain opens up many doors.

In recent years, different brands have tested the waters by using cryptocurrencies and NFTs to enhance marketing and offer alternate payment options. While it’s still early in the game, trends are starting to appear.

Bitcoin quickly became one of the more popular cryptocurrencies

One of these trends is using NFTs in marketing and branding, creating unique digital assets that can be collected. This gives an air of exclusivity, creates more immersive experiences, and helps forge a brand identity. NFTs are often a great tool to engage with customers and create a sense of community.

Melee Dose recently started integrating NFTs from Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) into product packaging and branding. This has allowed the brand to offer unique experiences, foster community engagement, enhance storytelling and demonstrate adaptability to an ever-changing world.

“This collaboration merges the worlds of fashion, art and technology, providing our customers with exclusive “IRL” products incorporating digital assets and driving brand affinity”, says Swaroop Suri. “By embracing the digital revolution and connecting with the influential BAYC community, we aim to redefine consumer experiences and build lasting relationships with our audience.”

Crypto Payments Aren’t Futuristic Anymore

Payment is another trend to look out for. Cryptocurrencies are becoming more accepted in many big industries, including cannabis. With traditional banks limiting access to banking services, crypto allows cannabis companies to offer decentralized and secure payment options.

Cryptocurrency offers more enhanced privacy than traditional payment methods, which is great for those who want to stay under the radar. Lower transaction fees are another plus, as a decentralized system is more flexible. The speed of crypto payments is also an enticing feature, as payments are usually processed more quickly than traditional payment methods.

Swaroop Suri, Founder of Melee Dose

So, how are brands accepting crypto as payment? Is it safe? Melee Dose started accepting cryptocurrency payments on their e-commerce store by partnering with Coinbase Payments, a leader in the crypto industry with a strong reputation and ease of integration.

Cryptocurrency may seem perilous to those who don’t know much about it, but siding with the right company can help ease those fears. Addressing concerns about crypto volatility, Suri “opted for a feature provided by Coinbase Payments that allows for immediate conversion of cryptocurrency payments into our local currency, ensuring stable revenue despite market fluctuations.”

By working closely with reliable payment partners like Coinbase Payments and implementing necessary features, companies like his are able to successfully overcome crypto roadblocks, providing customers with increased flexibility and convenience.

The Future of Crypto, NFTs & Cannabis

The future of integration between cannabis, crypto and NFTs is exciting and always on the move, meaning there are opportunities constantly arising and challenges ahead we have yet to tackle. As cannabis legalization continues to evolve, we might expect changes in regulatory frameworks that impact how cryptocurrency is used in the industry. While we can’t say what those changes might be, the fact that NFTs and crypto have become mainstream indicates a clear adoption, as the industry finds ways to integrate them. From blockchain integration and creative marketing to payment options and immersive experiences, they are here to stay.

Swaroop Suri and his team might’ve gotten in on the game early, but they know the future is expansive: “It’s possible that NFTs could become a significant part of cannabis marketing strategies in the future,” He says. “The cannabis industry can use NFTs in various ways, such as tracking crops and using intellectual property to promote products through packaging artwork, which is what our team at Melee Dose has accomplished.”

NFTs won’t stop there. “There is a possibility to use NFTs for establishing VIP programs that offer exclusive discounts and access”, Suri says. “The ownership of an NFT could grant special privileges and perks to customers when shopping with an e-commerce company, fostering a deeper connection with the brand and community and leading to customer loyalty in the long run.” NFTs offer diverse possibilities for cannabis brands to improve their marketing techniques and get creative.

When it comes to crypto payments, brands will surely continue to add crypto as an option in addition to merchant processors. Highly-regulated industries like cannabis can find many benefits in crypto, as experienced by Suri: “Accepting cryptocurrency can mitigate some of these issues by providing an alternative payment option that is not subject to the same restrictions as traditional payment methods.”

Final Thoughts

The excitement surrounding crypto and NFTs is understandable, and as the cannabis industry introduces new opportunities for those who are at the intersection of these two global forces, companies everywhere are changing their relationship with technology.

There are other brands hopping onto the this train as well. Household cannabis brands and popular companies like Plain Jain, Highland Pharms, American Green and Pharma Hemp are just some of the many that have begun accepting crypto as payment.

As the industry continues to evolve and grow, staying ahead of the curve and embracing technology with critical thinking and environmental consciousness is key. As a new, dynamic and exciting space with as many opportunities as it is filled with challenges to tackle down the road surrounds us, the one thing we know for sure is that this is just the beginning.

From Seed to Storefront: Why Cannabis Retailers Should Know How to Cultivate

By Itali Heide
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There isn’t one simple formula that holds the secrets of success in cannabis branding, but there are some things that might give you an advantage. The possibilities of cannabis are endless and understanding the cultivation process can be incredibly advantageous to brands who want to become involved every step of the way and build a trustworthy brand from seed to storefront.

Some of the most successful brands in the cannabis industry have built their name on quality and the best way to ensure that is to know exactly where your bud is coming from.

The Advantages of Understanding the Cultivation Side of Cannabis

Understanding the cultivation side of the cannabis industry can be quite valuable for many reasons. If you’re in commercial cannabis, getting up close and personal with the cultivation process can lend cultivation expertise to your brand name and help connect you with the process from the very start so you can offer your customers a guarantee of high-quality products with a hands-on approach. Being close to the process allows you to develop the highest standards when it comes to better yields, stronger plants and more potent cannabis. In short, it gives you complete control of your brand and its reputation.

Radiant Huoang, CEO of Delta Munchies, shares how a deeper knowledge of the brand’s cultivation has affected and given Delta Munchies an advantage. “The years of experience on the cultivating side of cannabis, gave me an appreciation for the craftsmanship and the hard work that is essential to creating a great product,” says Huong. “In a crowded market, it’s impossible to build a lasting brand without a product of undoubtable quality, and that starts with the flower we use, thanks to our cultivators.”

Essentially, when you have control of the cultivation side of the business, you are able to craft strains, edibles and other products that are unique to your company. It gives you control over the quality of your product and gives you a consistent edge over the competition.

Being close to the process allows you to develop the highest standards when it comes to better yields, stronger plants and more potent cannabis.

“This level of craftsmanship bled over [to the retail side] when creating our brand and what we choose to offer to our consumers,” says Hoang. “Always trying to craft and improve the best products possible that deliver a similar effect to your traditional cannabis is our goal.”

Anyone buying a cannabis product wants to know that what they’re consuming is cultivated with passion and a careful eye for the details. As a retailer, cultivating their own crop allows Delta Munchies to ensure the integrity of the final product and deliver a true plant-centered experience to their clients.

Beyond retail, growing is an excellent place to start in the cannabis industry. It sets up a solid foundation for you to understand cannabis and allows you to bring the highest quality products to the market. Especially since a rise in the use of cannabis calls for more growers and cultivation-centered businesses.

Understanding the Headwinds of Cannabis Cultivation and Cannabis Retail

Not everything in the cannabis cultivation and retail world is perfect, as with any other industry. Making it can be challenging, especially as local regulations fluctuate while nationwide legalization remains in limbo.

The first challenge is legalization: as of now, hemp is federally legal and hemp-derived products containing less than 0.3% delta 9 THC are technically legal in all states. It can be difficult to keep up with new laws and constant changes. Right now, cannabis businesses can still struggle with access to banking services and insurance.

It’s important to follow general federal regulations for your product, such as the nutrition facts section

Growers are also faced with the bureaucracy and costs of regulations, testing conditions, label requirements and other additional investments that come with constant change. Still, change is a part of any budding industry, so it’s important to keep this in mind and remain adaptable.

Some states place a limit on the number of licenses they’re allowed to issue to cannabis businesses and growers, which can make it challenging for new players to join and results in the market being dominated by the top dogs, but this isn’t unlike any other industry. Making sure you can commit to a business of this type is another thing to consider deeply before endeavoring into the world of cannabis.

What About the Future of Cannabis Cultivation and Retail?

The future of cultivation and retail is bright, although not without speedbumps along the way. The good: we can expect more consistency and structure after regulation becomes the norm, advances in technology are being used to make exciting, creative products and growing interest and preferences make for a promising future of growth.

On the other hand, regulation could go a bit too far. When asked about the future of the industry Huong believes brands need to be given the freedom to innovate. “We think that cannabis cultivation will always be a beautiful art, but with so much saturation and over-regulation it makes it extremely difficult to operate,” says Hoang. This is an important factor to consider, although regulation can have its advantages, states need to consider whether their regulations are truly aimed at improving quality and safety, or just acting as barriers to entry.

Technology will surely play a role in the future of cannabis cultivation and retail. Advances in the agricultural sector grow exponentially, with systems that are developed and optimized to grow hemp and cannabis with a variety of top-of-the-line technologies that help ensure high-quality raw materials.

The future of the cannabis industry will be shaped by many things, but nothing can influence the market as much as its consumers. Customer preference, brand trustworthiness and effectiveness, and legality will ultimately lead the way for cannabis trends.

Getting involved with the cultivation process can be important for overall quality.

One way to do this is to be in complete control of your product, from seed to storefront. Being able to cultivate the product you sell allows you to pivot more easily when the market demands it. Rather than seeking out new suppliers, a nimble cannabis brand will be set up to shift its cultivation operations as consumers switch from high THC strains to CBD or any other novel cannabinoid to hit the market.

Final Thoughts

Getting involved with the cultivation process can be important for overall quality. If you own a cannabis brand, having a close relationship with your grower or growing your own cannabis can lead to a product that’s higher in quality, as you can achieve a deeper understanding of the unique effects that you want your product to have and the quality necessary to achieve them. At the end of the day, what customers care for most is the product inside the packaging that you’ve designed to catch their eye. This is what will keep them coming back. It’s that quality that will imprint the packaging in their minds on their next trip to the dispensary.

Knowing more about cannabis from the ground up can be beneficial when it comes to innovation opportunities. Being able to apply your own knowledge or that of your trusted growers to a new product can help you grow your brand in a way that’s uniquely yours.

Hoang says harmony between the grower and the brand is important: “Seeing something you grew yourself come to life bleeds into the brand.” Becoming involved in the cultivation process of cannabis allows you to gain perspective that can be beneficial for your brand.

Anticipating the Ebbs and Flows of Seasonal Retail Cannabis Sales

By Itali Heide
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Like any industry, cannabis can experience ups and downs, especially when it comes to a doors-open retail business. Dispensaries that operate in towns or cities that attract tourists experience this more than anyone, seeing sales spike during the busy months and reach lows during the off-season.

We spoke with the folks at Dragon Hemp, a hemp retailer based in Sag Harbor in the Hamptons. As a brand that has first-hand experience with seasonal spikes, they were able to provide more context when it comes to anticipating the ebbs and flows of seasonal retail cannabis sales.

What is the Best Way to Prepare for Post-Busy Season Retail Lulls?

In Sag Harbor, Dragon Hemp awaits a spike during the busy summer months, as well as lulls when the tourist season is down and visitors head back to New York City and beyond, many becoming loyal online customers year-round.

According to Kevin Menard, LAc, founder of Dragon Hemp, the best way to prepare for post-busy season retail lulls is to build a community of loyal customers that take your brand home with them.

“Post-busy season lulls can be very useful in setting strategies and goals for the coming year. In our case, we do a thorough inventory review and align what we have with what we need for the upcoming peak season,” says Menard. “As the season winds down, they prepare for online orders that come from the impression left on customers in the store. “We also focus on cultivating our owned channels where we can have more direct communication with our community.”

Advice on Preparing for Busy Retail Seasons

Kevin Menard, LAc, founder of Dragon Hemp

Before the busy season is even over, it’s important to start preparing for the lull in business that’s bound to set in. For Kevin Menard and his business, preparation starts with inventory. So, what’s their secret? “Make sure you have budgeted for an inventory of your most popular items and hire excellent storytellers in both your retail locations and e-commerce marketing teams.”

Keeping an eye out on inventory management can be a great way to spend the slow months. Give brands a chance to monitor sales trends and keep up with changes in consumer preferences, putting more time and effort into online retail and social media and implementing promotions and sales online and in-person. Grow the team behind the brand, keep up with all new regulations and focus on customer loyalty to maintain trustworthiness even from afar.

Turning a Seasonal Customer Into a Lifetime E-Commerce Customer

In order to turn a seasonal customer into a life-long client, it’s important to connect beyond just the sale and product. For Dragon Hemp, the most important part is personalizing the experience for their customers: “For us, it’s all about achieving personalization with each customer,” says Menard. “Typically, a seasonal retail buyer will be opportunistic about their purchase in-store, but that purchase is indicative of a longer-term need. We try to create customer profiles based on in-store buyers and craft recommendations that fit that customer’s health needs over the long term.”

In order to turn a one-time buyer from out of state or city into a lifelong loyal customer, there are a few things to consider that can make this connection happen. First and foremost, building a relationship by maintaining impeccable customer service and personalizing the experience.

Focusing on online retail is also important in order to maintain the connection with clients. Making sure the website is in perfect shape and offer loyalty programs, incentives, promotions, sales, discounts or rewards to returning customers.

Marketing and publicity are other essentials, as you want to target those who have a long-time need that needs to be filled. Allowing for a fuss-free online shopping experience, targeting people who fall in line with the brand’s products and values, being creative and innovative when promoting the website and keeping in touch with active social media and newsletters.

How to Project Goals In Places That Swell Seasonally

It can be difficult to project year-on-year retail goals when the geographic location has a tendency to swell seasonally and have off-seasons but preparing and knowing what to expect can help with reaching those goals (and even surpassing them).

According to Menard, the secret to projecting their goals starts with their first location: “Since our first retail location in Sag Harbor, NY has been open only a year, our projections are still a work in progress! We’re using 2022 data to budget for this year, accounting for marketing efforts, increased awareness, and seasonality. We have some sensitivities built into this model based on different growth scenarios.”

The instabilities and fluctuations that come with a business that works on a seasonal tempo can be challenging when it comes to reaching and achieving specific goals, but there are things that can be done to make the whole process more seamless, and hopefully, more successful.

Looking back at previous years can be helpful in pinpointing tendencies and habits that can be observed in the consumer, and the lower sales allow space for the time that can be used in innovating and creating new products that are based on what the client base wants.

Researching not only the immediate region, but the regions that people often visit is another handy trick. Knowing who is coming, why they’re coming, and what they’re looking for can help set objectives that can be brought to reality throughout the off-season and the busy season, even experiencing more foot traffic in town. Moreover, making the most of the local events, occasions, changes and circumstances like holidays and local events can keep the brand connected to its roots and primary clients.

The off-season is a great time to set up a budget or specific monetary goals to reach, and off-season fluctuations can be added in to give a more complete idea of what the year might look like. Keeping an eye on the market by monitoring it and using forecasting models to predict results can also help set the stage for changes in the year-to-year goals.

Expanding From a Cannabis Retailer to a National E-Commerce Brand

Dragon Hemp didn’t start off with a bang, but they sure have achieved it over time. Dragon Hemp products were conceived by renowned alternative health practitioner and founder, Kevin Menard. Using hemp oil, Chinese herbs and native botanicals, they have managed to create a variety of beneficial and natural products.

“Our apothecary in Sag Harbor has been a great success, but the most rewarding aspect of the location has been the ability to have direct conversations with customers and get a deep understanding of how we can support their journey to better health,” says Menard. “We’re excited to expand our mission of helping people feel like themselves again by using next-generation natural botanicals and time-honored herbal remedies.”

Final Thoughts

As the country continues toward legal and accessible cannabis, new businesses are learning the ropes and those that have been there all along have been leading the way.

Having ups and downs in any business is to be expected, but just like any industry, knowing what to expect and what to do can make these challenges seem like less of a hassle. Building an online presence that clients connect to, developing e-commerce strategies, expanding product lines, building a loyal customer base and staying up-to-date with the latest regulations are surefire ways to stay on top of the cannabis business.

A Guide to Dispensary Insurance

By Itali Heide
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As a business owner, insurance is always a must. If you are interested in entering into the cannabis industry or you already have, it’s important to know what to expect when it comes to insuring your cannabis-related business.

That’s why we’ll be exploring what dispensary insurance is, different options for business owners and general advice regarding dispensary and other CRB insurance.

What is Dispensary Insurance?

Insurance for cannabis-related businesses refers to policies that protect the business against risk. This can include dispensaries, cultivation centers and testing labs – all of which require different levels of coverage and liability.

We spoke to Alexander Marenco, an insurance broker from Marenco Insurance, who explained what dispensary owners should know before seeking out insurance. Marenco says it’s similar to shopping for insurance for other businesess. “You need to have full details of the business and location to receive a quote.” He adds. “The applications will ask questions such as location, renovations, or improvements to the location, ownership information, payroll details, and sales or projected annual sales.”

How is Dispensary Insurance Different From Other Forms of Business Insurance?

Because non-hemp-derived cannabis is still considered a schedule one controlled substance under the Controlled Substance Act, cannabis insurance can be more expensive than regular insurance for non-cannabis businesses. Because of the risks associated with being considered a potential retailer of a controlled substance, liability policies and other options can cost a pretty penny.

The cash-only nature of the business makes insuring dispensaries more costly

Additionally, when asking Marenco about how dispensary insurance differs from other brick-and-mortar retail insurance, he says: “With more states increasingly legalizing medicinal and recreational marijuana, insurance carriers have started to open risk acceptability. However, since marijuana is still federally illegal, businesses will find it difficult to find multiple quotes from different carriers.”

Types of Insurance Available for Cannabis-Related Businesses

What kind of insurance is available for cannabis-related businesses? Let’s find out.

First off, it’s important to keep in mind that CRBs are at risk for a lot of things: workplace accidents, damage to property, theft, general liability and product liability. Plus, the fact that most dispensaries work on a cash-only business model until the Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act is approved by Congress, CRBs tend to handle big amounts of cash, further putting them at risk of theft and liability. CRB insurance can be as low as $350 and as high as $7,500 depending on the type of business and policy.

Here are some of the most common types of insurance for CRBs and what they cover:

  • General liability: third-party claims for bodily injury, property damage and reputational harm.
  • Commercial property: damage to a business-owned property.
  • Professional liability: third-party accusations of negligence and mistakes.
  • Workers’ compensation: employees’ medical bills and lost wages due to injury or illness.
  • Inland marine: damage or theft of business-owned property in transit.
  • Crop: costs from damage to seeds and plants.

With so many things to watch out for, insurance for cannabis businesses and dispensaries isn’t cheap. Here, Marenco says what CRB owners can do to keep their premiums as low as possible:

A smart safe like this one can help secure cash handling

“Premiums are primarily based on sales (actual or projected). After the term expires, the insurance carrier will conduct an audit for the prior term to confirm the information from the application. The audited discrepancy will adjust the next term’s sales figures. Dispensary insurance will typically be placed through an excess & surplus market which do not provide traditional discounts.”

So, in essence, the best thing a dispensary owner can do is be honest about their projections.

Navigating premiums can be a detailed process, as we learned when speaking to Jesse Giffith, an owner of Smokeless CBD and Vape: a chain of retail shops across the twin cities Minneapolis–Saint Paul, Minnesota:

“Our shops carry insurance that has been offered with a modified rate for vape retailers. This route was not as straightforward as some traditional retail insurance options, but may offer benefits, and a better fit for coverage than other dispensary insurance options.”

A Growing Number of Dispensaries Across America

With the growing legalization and normalization of adult use, medical and hemp-derived cannabis across the nation, it should come as no surprise that the number of dispensaries across the country grows exponentially.

In 2021, the cannabis market in the U.S. was valued at 10.8 billion dollars, with an expected annual growth of 14.9% annually. This is a sign of what’s to come. Cannabis may be an industry that’s been considered taboo for decades, but the growth shows the growing acceptance of the plant for medical and adult use reasons.

Insurance providers remain cautious as cannabis laws are still in flux.

With that growth comes a greater need for insurance providers, opening the door to the possibility that these two industries will grow in tandem. The future may bring a greater variety of options for coverage at cheaper prices. But for the time being, insurance providers remain cautious as the fate of federal and local cannabis laws are still in flux.

Are There Limited Carriers that Issue Dispensary Insurance?

Every CRB needs insurance, just like any other type of establishment, business or company. The issue within the cannabis industry is that there is still a limited insurance market, with insurers willing to provide insurance constantly exiting and entering the market. Plus, the overall capacity and variety of policies that cover different types of risks are limited. Lastly, it can be difficult to use CRB insurance when you read between the lines of the policy. Because cannabis with THC is still federally illegal (excluding hemp-derived cannabis products containing less than 0.3% THC), insurers can negate coverage when a loss or claim occurs.

Because of the complications that may arise even if you do have insurance, Marenco offers some advice for dispensary owners that are searching for the right insurance option for them: “Before shopping for insurance make sure you have all your licenses and are in full compliance with all regulations. Insurance carrier’s requirements from the state. Additionally, consider different coverage options.” He continues. “At a minimum, a business needs general liability insurance. Insurance companies can also consider covering business property including inventory, betterments, and improvements to a rented space, among others. When shopping for insurance make sure your agent reviews different coverage options.”