SC Labs Santa Cruz Gets ISO 17025 Accreditation

By Aaron G. Biros

…accredited to this International Standard demonstrates our robust quality system, technical competence, the calibration and suitability of our instrumentation and our ability to produce precise and accurate test data,” says…

…accredited to this International Standard demonstrates our robust quality system, technical competence, the calibration and suitability of our instrumentation and our ability to produce precise and accurate test data,” says…

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The Practical Chemist

Instrumentation Used for Terpene Analysis

By Tim Herring

…citrus, as well as cannabis. Over 140 terpenes have been identified to date and these unique compounds may have medicinal properties. Caryophyllene, for example, emits a sweet, woody, clove taste…

…citrus, as well as cannabis. Over 140 terpenes have been identified to date and these unique compounds may have medicinal properties. Caryophyllene, for example, emits a sweet, woody, clove taste…

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Biros' Blog

The Cannabis Industry’s Pesticide Problem

By Aaron G. Biros

…pesticide use standard operating procedures, very robust lab testing and an overall push to protect consumer safety from both regulators and industry leaders. The pesticides most commonly found in cannabis…

…pesticide use standard operating procedures, very robust lab testing and an overall push to protect consumer safety from both regulators and industry leaders. The pesticides most commonly found in cannabis…

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