Judge A Book By Its Cover: Why Understanding Information Economics is Critical to Gain Consumer Trust and Build a Sustainable Brand

By Nathan Libbey

…University Press. Retrieved February 7, 2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctvc2rkm6.6 Ford, G., Smith, D., and Swasy, J. (1988), An Empirical Test of the Search, Experience and Credence Attributes Framework, in NA –…

…University Press. Retrieved February 7, 2020, from www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctvc2rkm6.6 Ford, G., Smith, D., and Swasy, J. (1988), An Empirical Test of the Search, Experience and Credence Attributes Framework, in NA –…

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Don’t Reinvent The Wheel: A Tour of ASTM Standards for Cannabis and Hemp – Part 2

By David Vaillencourt, Bethany Moore

…embracing ASTM standards can greatly enhance an organization’s competitive edge in the marketplace.” Kara Lavaux, CP-FS, CQA, Compliance Consultant for Allay Consulting, said, “To build on what Trevor said, a…

…embracing ASTM standards can greatly enhance an organization’s competitive edge in the marketplace.” Kara Lavaux, CP-FS, CQA, Compliance Consultant for Allay Consulting, said, “To build on what Trevor said, a…

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