In the 1st episode of the 2020 Cannabis Quality Virtual Conference, check out “Cannabis Market Trends & Consumer Insights” and “The New Normal: How Coronavirus Has and Will Affect the Cannabis Market”
Leafreport conducted independent lab testing on 22 different CBD-infused beverages and found a lot of inconsistencies with the actual amount of CBD found in the beverage and what the product’s label claimed.
From essential business designations to staffing and financial opportunities, this pandemic is changing the cannabis market dramatically. Understanding how to anticipate change and pivot quickly can often be the key to success.
In this piece, the folks at Goodwin put together a comprehensive guide to the most recent consumer class action law suits involving CBD products and what makes them so important for the industry moving forward.
In this week’s Brand Marketing Byte, we take a look at Pioneer Intelligence’s hottest U.S. cannabis retail brands for the month of July. Using their large data set and gauging metrics within social media, earned media attention and more, these are the companies that are getting the most out of their marketing.
I truly believe that as brands work to differentiate themselves in the space, leaving a lasting impression will be the catalyst for brands to thrive and grow in an increasingly competitive market while also directly impacting a customer’s lifetime value.
Typically used as a security tool, IP cameras are now also an effective way to ensure compliance with new COVID-19-prompted healthcare requirements. Learn how this technology can help your business adhere to social distancing, occupancy and personal protective equipment guidelines.
Cannabis businesses have limited options for procuring property coverage because of the high-risks inherent in their businesses and a hardening property insurance market. Work with brokers that specialize in cannabis and be diligent in your risk management.
In this week’s Brand Marketing Byte, we take a look at Pioneer Intelligence’s hottest U.S. (non-retail) cannabis brands for the month of July. Using their large data set and gauging metrics within social media, earned media attention and more, these are the companies that are getting the most out of their marketing.
The cannabis research and education organization announced this week that they have added a new feature that allows users to browse through more than 1,500 cannabis products available in the United States.