This series of articles will help businesses better understand the laboratory jargon and their test results.
In the fourth part of this series, we’ll discuss the need for more documentation for a CCP deviation, verification and a written recall plan.
Using traceability systems for things like recalls, safety standards and regulatory compliance can help put public trust in cannabis businesses.
The Food Safety Consortium will address cannabis safety this year, with a focus on quality in edibles manufacturing.
Building a User Requirements document is one tool to help make implementation painless.
In the third part of this series, monitoring of critical control points (CCPs) is explained.
They became the first medical cannabis provider in Florida to receive a Safe Quality Food certification.
Centrifugal partition chromatography is the key to achieving high-purity, high-throughput cannabidiol production.
The state has started accepting applications, finalized their regulations and local towns are preparing for the day when sales begin June 1st.
In the second part of this series, Kathy Knutson, Ph.D. explains the foundation of Good Manufacturing Practices and the next step in HACCP development after identification of hazards.