Information economics has existed for decades and drives much of how products, including cannabis, are marketed and purchased. Understanding different product attributes is key to setting up a sustainable cannabis product, corporation, and industry.
Leaf surface temperature (LST) is an important factor contributing to crop health, indicating how efficiently plants photosynthesize. Light spectrum is a prominent aspect contributing to LST. Using spectrally optimized LED light fixtures can help indoor growers find and maintain ideal LST in their crop.
From consolidation to maturation: find out what Melissa Kuipers Blake thinks will be the biggest trends for the cannabis industry this year.
Taking place June 2–4, this conference will be about all things cannabis testing, from laboratory regulations to new technologies and method development.
Leighton Wolff, president of GrowFit Analytics, illustrates how grow condition monitoring and data analytics is the best way to prevent mold and fungal infestation while increasing crop consistency and product quality.
By mitigating the potential for damaging effects of a food safety event, companies can prevent, or greatly lessen the impact, to both their reputation and public perception, as well as limit the financial liability and legal penalties.
Perry Johnson Registrars Food Safety, Inc. (PJRFSI) now offers specialty certifications to cover all facets of the cannabis industry, based on successful food, agricultural and pharmaceutical safety certifications. From growing and harvesting to production or extraction, there are streamlined and effective resources available for everyone.
The primary goal of a Preventative Environmental Monitioring (PEM) program is to detect a contaminant before it reaches a surface that touches the product or the product itself. Remember that this is not a one-size-fits-all approach to safety; each facility has its own unique set of hazards and control points.
The market in Canada is rapidly expanding to include a number of new types of products. With the recreational market expanding, however, comes a host of new regulations producers need to comply with.
Cannabis concentrates are one of the fastest growing segments of the cannabis industry. This article explores best practices for cannabis cultivators looking to produce safe and high- quality cannabis concentrates.