Using a laboratory information management system based in the cloud can help a cannabis lab scale up their business
Using a laboratory information management system based in the cloud can help a cannabis lab scale up their business
Potency and homogeneity testing for medical concentrates and infused products will be required November 1st.
ACT Labs and Keystone State Testing are the first two labs to gain approval.
G3 Labs had their license suspended due to an undisclosed compliance issue.
EVIO Labs is setting a new gold standard for cannabis testing in the Sunshine State.
Random sampling and testing by Health Canada detected myclobutanil and spinosad in three lots of cannabis.
We sit down with Steve Stadlmann from PerkinElmer, Inc. to hear his observations on what instruments he recommends for accreditation, and processes and procedures to support it.
After becoming the first state-licensed laboratory in Hawaii, the lab announced they received ISO 17025:2005 accreditation from Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc.
Earlier this week, DB labs announced they received ISO 17025 accreditation from Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc.
ICP-MS generally has the highest sensitivity, which can determine more than 70 different elements in a minute.