The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) released a statement urging the DEA to rescind their Interim Hemp Rule, which makes compliance essentially impossible for the hemp industry and puts companies in constant legal risk.
The online training company has launched their newest course, focused on the safety of edible cannabis products.
In the 7th episode of the 2020 Cannabis Quality Virtual Conference, check out “A Progress Update: Tracking the Markets in the Northeast” and “The East Coast Model: How Regulations Are Defining the Mid-Atlantic”
Whilst there is still much to learn and navigate in cannabis, PR has an important role to play in changing attitudes as the industry continues to expand and evolve. Whether you are flourishing cannabis brand, a start-up or ancillary cannabis business, PR can help you stand out from the competition and become a credible voice in this competitive market.
Let’s face it. 2020 has been a difficult year, but perhaps it’s the year that companies finally forego spreadsheets and enlist an industrial-strength cloud platform.
In the 6th episode of the 2020 Cannabis Quality Virtual Conference, check out “Top Ten Deficiencies Found During Cannabis Laboratory Assessments” and “Method Validation for Cannabis Testing”
There are some big international forces that seem to be moving cannabis reform forward before the end of the year. Here is a look at where and what this means on a regional and global basis
In this op-ed, Warnock proposes massive reform across the country to help better serve stakeholders in the industry and give the national economy a shot in the arm.
Allay Consulting just hired Kara Lavaux, a former “marijuana supervisor” at the Denver Department of Public Health & Environment.
The WSLCB issued an emergency license suspension for El Rey De La Kush, based in Okanogan County after the licensee died and a partner began shipping cannabis across state lines.