Following the vaping-related illness outbreak in 2019, temperature control issues in cannabis cartridge-compatible batteries raise a new concern for cannabis businesses wary of lawsuits.
Following the vaping-related illness outbreak in 2019, temperature control issues in cannabis cartridge-compatible batteries raise a new concern for cannabis businesses wary of lawsuits.
What is the status of all things cannabis auf Deutschland three years after the EU’s largest medical market got off the ground?
The lab became a certified cannabis testing lab in the state of Florida following Department of Health emergency rules for certified product testing. The lab also acquired Botanica Testing earlier this year.
South Africa takes a step in the right direction on hemp and clearly pushes THC towards medical territory.
With so many lessons learned about the way the cannabis and communications industries operate together, here are just a few key takeaways that have shaped our approach and operations in the marketplace.
The focus of most cannabis companies when forming their business is compliance with the regulatory scheme of their jurisdiction as it relates to the operation of a cannabis business. While compliance with these laws is important, it is also important that these companies ensure that they are compliant with the Securities Act before accepting investments from outside sources.
In this article, we explore how federal courts and state legislatures have addressed the enforceability of contracts relating to cannabis and provide some practical tips for cannabis companies to protect their contractual rights.
With an expanding Canadian-Aussie producer acquiring a clinic network, will the medical program Down Under roll out in a way similar to Canada?
Our country has had an unfortunate historical relationship with a plant that has the potential to ease suffering safely and bring about some much-needed economic stimulation. It’s high time we fix the mistakes of our past and create a kinder and more inclusive future.
At the intersection of the Black Lives Matter movement, protests across the country and socio-economic woes facing the nation, comes some hope for change in Illinois. “I speak for all the ghettos when I say this: give us access to the capital and we will get the rest done on our own.”