The 3-Legged Stool of Successful Grow Operations: Climate, Cultivation & Genetics – Part 6

By Phil Gibson
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In this six-part series of articles, the folks from AEssenseGrows introduce the 3-legged stool of successful cannabis cultivation: climate, cultivation & genetics. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 covered environmental controls, water quality, critical housing requirements, integrated pest management and genetics, respectively. In Part 6, the final chapter, we cover consistency and repeatability through Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

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Investment Strategies for Entering the European Cannabis Market

By Niklas Kouparanis

As with any investment, VCs benefit from researching the company and market they are planning to invest in. In addition to making sure they have a thorough understanding of the business model and its value proposition, investors should also familiarize themselves with the company’s management team to make sure that they are knowledgeable and experienced in both running a company and the cannabis industry.

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New York Launches Adult Use Sales

By Cannabis Industry Journal Staff
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On December 29, New York’s first legal adult use dispensary opened its doors to customers with a ceremonious purchase made by Chris Alexander, executive director of the NYOCM. But with only one dispensary open heading into 2023, the state’s regulators are coming up short on their promises.

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