Food-allergic reactions can be deadly and safe production of cannabis-infused products with a manufacturing plan is essential to prevention.
Manufacturers, growers and retailers alike need to perform pesticide testing to ensure patients and consumers are ingesting safe products.
Sanitizing and personal hygiene are a few of the critical aspects to preventing microorganism growth in food products.
Partnering with state governments is crucial to establish safety regulations that provide consistency.
California is the world’s eighth largest economy and the cannabis industry can benefit greatly from the passing of the 2016 ballot initiative.
Consider the lab staff as part of your extended team, they are there to help you and help bring your product to market.
Any food processor that does not consider this opportunity to meet changing market dynamics risks losing a huge opportunity.
Frequent, thorough hand washing is essential to ensure that your team creates food safely and with integrity.
As legalization efforts advance nationwide, many states are putting in place strict regulatory requirements for the testing and handling of cannabis.
GOAT Labs wants to assure patients that proper testing is done, which includes potency, microbial, pathogen, and pesticide detection.