As more countries around the world begin changing their cannabis regulations, many are looking for dos and don’ts from those who have already taken the plunge.
As more countries around the world begin changing their cannabis regulations, many are looking for dos and don’ts from those who have already taken the plunge.
The 2nd Annual Cannabis Labs Conference agenda has been announced, with a host of experts discussing the latest in cannabis lab testing.
Governor Mark Gordon signed the bill into law today, officially legalizing hemp in the state of Wyoming.
While there has been little dramatic news, it is also clear that tangible developments across the EU are pushing a very green agenda forward, no matter how piecemeal or slowly.
The microbial testing company announced a new corporate brand identity, logo and product portfolio.
The owner of BiotrackTHC announced their moves into Europe, South America and other regions around the world.
BfArM issued a press release in late January indicating that the torturous process to begin cultivation may finally come to a close this year, with first crops expected by late 2020.
AOAC INTERNATIONAL is on a mission to unify cannabis lab testing standards and methods across the United States and Canada. With a former FDA official as their new Chief Science Officer, take a look at what they are working on now.
Peyton sheds some light on the controversy over the Farm Bill and FDA regulation, suggesting hemp companies do their homework first.
A unique coalition of UK start-ups beats the Canadian “big boys” by importing Dutch cannabis in bulk.