Challenges with Process Scale Up in Cannabis/Hemp Extraction

By Darwin Millard
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Process scale up is a challenging endeavor in many industries, but it is even more challenging in the cannabis/hemp industry. What equipment you use, what parameters you implement, and what solvents and reagents are involved are all contributing factors to the scalability of your process. In this piece, Darwin Millard explores the common mistakes made during process scale up and how to avoid them.

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Defining Hemp: Classifications, Policies & Markets, Part 1

By Darwin Millard

The cannabis plant is an incredibly versatile plant used in numerous applications: construction materials, textiles, composites, bioplastics, food ingredients, phytochemicals, CBD products, and so much more. Or is that hemp? In this two-part series, Darwin Millard takes the reader down the hemp rabbit hole and discusses how the global market has evolved the definition of hemp over time and the challenges posed by trying to have your cake and eat it too. Millard proposes that we adopt policies for market protection of hemp products through standardization, not bifurcation of the cannabis plant.

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Leaders in Cannabis Formulations: Part 2

By Aaron Green

In this series of articles, Aaron Green sits down and interviews a number of industry scientists and executives leading cannabis formulation companies. In Part 2, Green chats with Jesse Lopez, CEO and Founder of Geocann, a global cannabis organization based in Fort Collins, Colorado with technical formulation expertise and the exclusive global rights to multi-patented drug delivery system technologies.

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