The cannabis research and education organization announced this week that they have added a new feature that allows users to browse through more than 1,500 cannabis products available in the United States.
The cannabis research and education organization announced this week that they have added a new feature that allows users to browse through more than 1,500 cannabis products available in the United States.
Brand identity in the cannabis industry is extremely important for business development. Using some innovative packaging design can help you reach your target market effectively.
The series begins September 8 and runs through December 22. Registration is now open.
Up to 8 million people in the UK use CBD. As acceptance and demand continues to increase, so does the case for an independent UK industry and finally overcoming regulatory roadblocks.
European standards (so far) for hemp cultivation are developing along regional standards of 0.2% – but will this change as the industry normalizes and U.S. exports enter the picture?
The COVID-19 virus has impacted just about every business sector on a global scale, and cannabis companies—regardless of their status as essential businesses—were not exempted from this reality. It is the responsibility of every cannabis business to protect its customers amid this pandemic and ensure their employees do not face unemployment due to poor preparation and foresight as a result of their business failing.
The German cannabis market is seeing some growing pains as distributor licenses proliferate and the government appears to be lowering its cost of acquisition.
Data analytics in sports was once a new, experimental concept before it was embraced. In the cannabis market, data analytics is a relatively new tool in our arsenal that can vastly improve our understanding of extraction.
Following the vaping-related illness outbreak in 2019, temperature control issues in cannabis cartridge-compatible batteries raise a new concern for cannabis businesses wary of lawsuits.
The company announced this week the launch of its new Cannabis Safety & Quality Scheme (CSQ) for auditing standards, with a public comment period open until July 31.