A2LA issued their first ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation in the cannabis market last week to Americans for Safe Access (ASA) for their “Patient Focused Certification.”
A2LA issued their first ISO/IEC 17065 accreditation in the cannabis market last week to Americans for Safe Access (ASA) for their “Patient Focused Certification.”
A thorough cannabis product development process goes far beyond extracting and packaging. In this piece, Clarke and Lin detail four key stages in the product development lifecycle, from flower to consumption.
According to a press release, A2LA accredited Cannalytics to ISO 17025:2017, making it the first cannabis testing laboratory to attain accreditation in Puerto Rico.
Complex Biotech Discovery Ventures (CBDV) has added an innovative testing solution to their repertoire of lab services: the vapor/smoke analyzer. In their lab embedded in the University of British Columbia, CBDV will now be able to offer clients the ability to test the very final stage of the plant’s lifecycle: the smoke that consumers inhale.
The Cannabis Labs Virtual Conference. Check out sessions from the January 20, 2021 event such as: The Cannabis Laboratory Accreditation Panel, R&D Lab Testing: Ensuring Success with Results and Pesticide Testing: Methods, Strategies & Sampling
The company’s Portland, Maine location was cited for operating without a city license, pending an inspection in February. The company is working with the City of Portland and the State to get back up and running soon. This article has been edited and updated upon receiving comments from ProVerde Laboratories. This article originally stated that ProVerde was not licensed, but that was incorrect as the company had a 6-month temporary license from the state.
Kennebec Analytical Services (KAS) announced last week that they have acquired Cannabis Testing Laboratories (CTL), whose parent company was Doane University.
In the 11th episode of the 2020 Cannabis Quality Virtual Conference, check out “The Laboratory Accreditation Panel” and “From the Client’s Perspective: Lab Testing and Quality Assurance”
The New Jersey cannabis testing lab announced this week that they have achieved ISO 17025:2017 accreditation and are now DEA-registered.
A2LA announced last week that they accredited ECC Labs to ISO/IEC 17025:2017. Based in Blacksburg, Virginia, East Coast Cannalytics is an analytical and microbial testing lab. The first dispensary for Virginia’s medical cannabis program opened its doors last week.